Friday, 23 November 2012


Ta Ta! Updatez! Been getting numerous requests for updates of Little Fella and so in order not to disappoint the "faithful followers", here are some of the pics taken in the past months...

We went to the park in August...

Hi Everyone! Did you miss me?

The above picture was actually taken towards the end as we were about to head home, our initial plan was for Little Fella to try out this:

Well, he did sat in it for quite a while and had a fun time being pushed around by dearest Mummy....

But it was not long before he decided that he had to take over and do this.....

Inspired by the joggers doing their runs, he decided to join them as well....

Occasionally stopping along the way for some "sightings'.....

As it was approaching noon by the time we were about to leave, Little Fella was perspiring profusely and thus the need for a change of clothe and his semi-naked state......

How come I'm not wearing clothes?

September updates coming up, stay tuned!    =)

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